• 9 Marzo 2025 15:21


An Italian Radioamateur Station


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Greyline, Raspberry and Hamclock

I want to share with you a quick and very useful project I just did some time ago… and can really gives a big help understanding the HF conditions in…


Along the years, I always try to have a better setup for my DX Pedition ! Some year ago I found the Rybacov Antenna, a very common antenna used from…

My new 4 Element beam

At the end, and after a long search I found it! In 1992 I bought my first Beam, it was the Yagi 3 Element Beam from an Italian factory called…

Wifi 1 Hamradio 0

I am just back from Porquerolles this evening. The espectation was quite high, as last time I went back from the Island with about 2500 qso’s… but sometime something very…
