I prefere to talk about Holiday Expedition, as is my favourite way to make radio ! Also if I do my activation with great commmitment, I try also to do not get me too seriously….
Anyway, the idea to be “to the other side” it is alwyas good.. some time happens to have a kind of pile up, also if you are not calling from a very special place … but making contact from a beach, or from a mountain it is amazing.
Sometime it is so difficult to go on air… it is happened to try build up the antenna in a very small place, like a small balcony Hotel, or in between high wall…. but the HAM SPIRIT helps to find a solution, and to let arrive so far away possible your signal….
Have respect for all DX peditioner, they are trying to give you the possibility to make a qso from the small island, from the particular place, from where there is no possibility to find a stable connection. And help them and understand them if they are not arriving to your transceiver 9+40, probably they are operating with a battery, an antenna very low and bad build up, but a lot of energy !

Here below a list of my DX Activity, click on the list below to read the reportage of the activation. Instead if you are looking for the LOGS clik here
- 36 2023 – Menjakawan Island (Karimunjawa Archipelago) IOTA OC-186
- 35 2023 – 3A Monaco Montecarlo
- 34 2022 – Maldives Island IOTA AS-013
- 33 2022 – Porri Island (I) IOTA EU165 – W033
- 32 2022 – 3A Monaco Montecarlo
- 31 2021 – Ruia Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W005
- 30 2019 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU024 – IIA D001
- 29 2018 – Tavolara Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W004
- 28 2018 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU042 – IIA D001
- 27 2017 – Pellworm Island (I) IOTA EU042
- 26 2017 – Tavolara Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W004 .
- 25 2017 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU024 – IIA D001 .
- 24 2016 – Norderney Island (D) IOTA EU042 =
- 23 2016 – Cavalli Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W012 .
- 22 2016 – Piana Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W006 .
- 21 2016 – Molara Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W009 .
- 20 2016 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU024 – IIA D001 .
- 19 2015 – Norderney Island (D) IOTA EU047 =
- 18 2015 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU024 – IIA D001
- 17 2014 – Norderney Island (D) IOTA EU047 =
- 16 2014 – Sardinia Island (I) IOTA EU024 – IIA D001 .
- 15 2014 – Fava Castle (I) DCI NU002 .
- 14 2014 – Proratora Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA N011
- 13 2006 – Oslo (N)
- 12 2005 – Porquerolles Island (F) IOTA EU070
- 11 2005 – Mobile in USA (US)
- 10 2005 – Carlantino (I)
- 09 2004 – Tavolara Island (I) IOTA EU165 – IIA W004 .
- 08 2003 – Mobile in UK (UK)
- 07 2002 – Mobile in UK (UK)
- 06 2001 – Ile du Levant (F) IOTA EU070
- 05 2000 – Ile de Porquerolles (F) IOTA EU070
- 04 1999 – Ile de Porquerolles (F) IOTA EU070
- 03 1996 – Elba Island (I) IOTA EU025
- 02 1995 – Canary Island (E) IOTA AF004
- 01 1994 – Ibiza Island (E) IOTA EU004