• 9 Marzo 2025 15:53


An Italian Radioamateur Station

Spring 2023, let’s start ! 3A/IK1TTD

I am travelling again ! I will replicate the DX pedition to Monaco (Montercarlo) from 24 to 26 March.

I will be active not just on SSB as last here, but I try to activate Monaco also on FT8. I see there is a lot of request around this mode, so let’s do it. In order to give the possibility to everybody I will work on F/H calling on period 00/30 (even), so will be possible to call 15/45 (odd) setting “HOUND” in your software. Do not call on period 00/30 or I will never receive you.

According with band propagation, this is just an idea how I will “try” to use the bands… search for my call around these band and frequencies:


Remember that I will be “one mand band” I will try to make SSB and FT8, so please do not be angry if sometime I will stop it to sleep little bit.

I already know I will not have huge possibility to put out antennas, then I will usually bring with me my Vertical Rybacov, it’s works good on almost every band, probably will be interesting to work on WARC also, where any people mioss the 3A.

So save the date: from Friday March 24th to Sunday 26th March, I will be on air as 3A/IK1TTD.

QSL will be available via OQRS on CLUBLOG, or direct to my homecall on QRZ.COM right here.

Follow the operations on Social Media and on my Blog on WWW.IK1TTD.IT 
