• 9 Marzo 2025 16:41


An Italian Radioamateur Station

2017 Pellworm Island EU042

Ott 20, 2017 #activity, #dx, #dxpedition, #ham, #iota

Every year in this period I travel Germany for business reasons.. and I always visit the EU-47 Norderney Island; but this year the Hotel where I intend to stay for the weekend was close for refurbishment. I have to say that on this island there is a lot of Hotel, but almost all of them they do not allow you to put an antenna…. here there is a very rich tourism…. this is a big trouble !!!

Checking the map, I see there is another interesting island, and surprise !!!!! Also with a different reference !!! Quickly on Booking.com, and I found an hotel that can allow me to stay for couple of night! So let’s go ! Get the chance to see a new Island !

I landed on the at night in the darkness (really really darkness on this island… ) except in the city center (big like the school of my kids) … I reach the Hotel… nobody inside.. but the door is open.. I jump inside.. nobody.. no one single sound around me… around dark … almost scaring …

I started driving on the Island, but was difficult see with darkness and fog… but the Island is not enormous, and there are few street, so at the end I found the Hotel…. Ringing the bell, but nobody seem’s was inside….

After several minute came the owner, he was not alerted about my arrival… “SORRY” he said… “but we are in the lowest season” …. At that point I was start thinking I was forced to sleep in the car …. Then he said “But if you like here you can stay.. the Hotel is empty, you can choose the room you like”

“I am an Radioamateur” I explaine.. “I need to put an antenna close to my windows for a couple of day… may I ??” The owner … “Yes, no problem, we have 8 hectar space for your antenna !” Wow.. could be more lucky then this ???

My setup was again the usual.. my Radio Bag with ICOM 706 and the Antenna was the Rybacov Antenna well descibed here.
I always travel with this setup, and it is the perfect trim between portability and yield … when everything is close it is just a case,a little backpack (for coaxial cable and elastic ropes) and a fishing rod (close is just 1 meter..) that’s all !

This island it is smaller then Norderney, and there is very few people in this period, but very relaxing areas… silence everywhere… just my room was plenty of voices from all over the world….

The few people living here they work with turist.. fishermans for restaurant, hotels owner … not much happen here during winter… but the place is great to spend a weekend to relax yourself ! Perfect if you are travelling alone !

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